If You Buy Media Make Sure You Get A Return

Advertising involves a wide variety of diversified media that provide communication vehicles for you to reach specific market targets. While some clients prefer one media group to another, the fact is that they are all productive, or not, depending upon how they are used. Also, it is important to keep in mind that if budget resources are available a mix of multiple media types has a tendency to be more successful and productive in driving awareness, leads generation, and market share enhancements.

Media Planning

One of the most difficult marketing challenges is choosing the correct media and mix to reach your target audience with effective reach and frequency to drive desired business generation results. TMC assist in selecting and using media effectively, based upon the specific characteristics of the market, or market segment, that you need to reach. We compare the various print and broadcast media available and develop a plan that makes the most efficient use of your advertising budget. Media options considered include newspaper, magazine, radio, television, direct mail, and specialty media. Whatever media is used, it is important to give careful consideration to the message. A successful marketing communication does the following:

  • Arrest the attention of the target audience
  • Make sure the company is boldly identified
  • Presents features and benefits in a compelling manner
  • Advertising
  • Provides a clear and easy access call-to-action

Radio and Television

Just because you can get a considerable discount on standard cable television rates does not mean that such a media buy is best to achieve your goals and objectives.

Newspapers and Magazines

Caution is becoming increasingly more important when considering newspaper advertising. Newspapers from coast-to-coast are loosing circulation, reducing size, and loosing advertisers. Many try to make up declining advertising revenue by charging current advertisers higher rates that in the past. All of this can mean a lower return on investment that might be anticipated. Magazines generally are holding up a little better with some specialty magazines growing.

Specialty Media

There are a growing number of specialty media emerging in the market place addressing specific market segments with focused content that speak to business wants and needs, consumer interests, hobbies, as well as, segmented business and industry products and services.

Graphics Help Get Attention To Deliver Your Message

Marketing tools are only as good as they are able to arrest someone’s attention; clearly communicate a compelling message; and, drive desired action by the target audience. All of that starts with creatively design, visually arresting graphics. Whether the task involves developing an effective website, print ad, broadcast spot, brochure, direct mail pieces, and/or countless other marketing materials and sales aids creative, professional graphics play an important part.